PTRE is an easy-to-use tool to save and share spy reports. You can save spy reports from:
  • Discord, by installing the PTRE bot
  • OGLight, by installing the add-on into your browser
  • EasyPTRE for AGR
  • OGame Infinity
  • Directly through the website
Your spy reports will be shared only with your team mates. PTRE can also create an ingame activity profile, manage and sort spy reports.

To get started, you just need to create your team and install PTRE bot.

Bellow, you will find all PTRE features.

Tools compatibility table

Tool FeatureOGLightInfinityEasyPTRE
[details] Saving Spy Reports to PTREYESYESYES
[details] Pushing Spy Reports to DiscordYESYESYES
[details] Displaying ingame PTRE best Spy reportYESYESYES
[details] Sending player's actvities to PTREYESYESYES
[details] Sending counter spy messages to activity databaseYESYESYES
[details] Displaying activity graphicYESYESNO
[details] Detecting and sending new planets / moons to Team databaseYESYESNO
[details] Syncing back ingame new planets / moons from PTREYESNONO
[details] Syncing Ingame Team targetsYESNOYES

Top Features

Galaxy Event Explorer

Follow what is going on ingame!
This feature merges data from public API (like in MMORPG) with data sent by OGLight and Infinity. Data are updated when you browse the galaxy and shared with your teamates.


Import spy reports from Discord

Copy-past spy reports API keys to your Discord server: it will be directly sent to the PTRE website and store into your team timeless database.

In addition, fleet evolution will be displayed!

OGLight / Infinity integration

PTRE is integrated with OGLight. You can directly push your spy reports from ingame through OGLight!

OGLight / PTRE can display an ingame activity profile (details bellow).

Get started with OGLight!
(OGLight is not mandatory, but recommended)

Check fleet evolution

Your spy reports are stored till you delete them. Even after being removed from OGame API, it will still be available for your team.

In addition, PTRE displays fleet evolution across spy reports.

Ingame activity profile (vie OGL)

The OGL/PTRE activity graphic is directly displayed ingame.

The PTRE button (in the OGL pinned pannel) will display :
  • the PTRE informations of the target
  • the activity profile
  • a link to the PTRE profile
  • a link to the best report

Detailed activity profile

On the PTRE website, you can have access to a detailed activity profile, such as :
  • filtering only main planet activities
  • filtering week / week-end
  • filtering only ennemis spys (counter-spys)

Counter-Spy reports

All counter-spy reports are sent to PTRE to update activity database.

(Thoses actvities stacks with classic activities catched from galaxy view)

Planet / Moon sync over PTRE

PTRE/OGL syncs galaxy informations (coordinates) accross PTRE Coalition's users.

To demonstrate this feature: if Arthur finds Valentin's mobile moon in the galaxy, all members of Arthur's Coalition (and Team) will be able to see Valentin's mobile when they display OGL coordinates (even if they never saw Valentin's mobile).

Position 8 Finder

An simple tool to easily find the spot you need in your universe.

Just select the spot you want and browse free systems...

Ingame target list management

Via PTRE website, manage targets you want to push ingame to your teammates. Thoses targets will be synced for activity tracking and highlighted in galaxy.

Galaxy notifications

Get notifications overs Discord about what is going on ingame. New moons created, player leaving positions, etc.

You may click on link to display Galaxy Event Explorer.

PTRE configuration

Invit PTRE bot to your Discord server

To fully use PTRE features, you have to invit the PTRE bot to your Discord server.

The bot does not need any administrator rights.

And it does not need to be in each and every channels of your server.
PTRE - bot invitation

Configure bot's access

As a basic user, invit the bot to some channels where you want it to detect spy reports:
  • To all your channels
  • Or only to a dedicated channel

Discord multi-universe

If your Team is playing on several universes, you may use this setting to get clean notifications. Create channel alike the screenshot and type "!ptre !autochannel" on Discord to enable the feature.

Create a Team and associate your Discord server

Create your Team on the PTRE website. Then, get your API-WO key and copy it on a Discord channel to match your server to your team.

All spy reports posted will be private to your team.
You may associate several Discord servers to a same Team.

Without association, spy reports will be public.

OGLight Configuration

Enter your Team key (TM-XXXX) in the OGLight settings.

Multi-Team management

You can join several Teams to use PTRE for each and every universe you are playing.

Swap from a team to another with a simple click !


A Coalition allow two PTRE Teams to share all their ingame activites and galaxy informations (as mobiles planets).

(Spy reports will not be shared.)

EasyPTRE for AGR

If you are an AGR user, you can install EasyPTRE.
It's a tolerated tool that provides PTRE basic features for AGR.

Other Features

On the PTRE profile page, you will find :
  • the best report available
  • planet locations
  • activity graphic
  • all the spy reports

Player search via Discord

Find all your spy reports via Discord.

The player preview will contain:
  • the best report
  • a link to PTRE profile
  • all his fleet last locations
  • number of ingame activities
  • previous nicknames

Lifeforms support

PTRE supports Lifeforms: buildings, researchs, bonuses.

Add an alias to spy reports

You can tag any spy report:
  • To easily find it during researches
  • Track IG boring renaming

Advanced Discord research

The PTRE bot have many search options (universe, fleet, bunkers, etc).

You can even manage multiple universes on your Discord server.

Report deprecated spy reports

You can report deprecated spy reports to clean your database.

Spy reports management

Reported spy reports will be deleted after one week. You can cancel a reporting.

You may also archive spy reports to keep them aside.

Moonbreak calculator

PTRE give you the right number of DS needed to get a 100% moonbreak.
loading duration: 0.022 s

Support PTRE
Join us on Discord!
This month:
15.238 new Spy Reports, including 8.343 from OGLight,
358 web-active Teams, 385 active Discord servers,
7.370.444 IG activities pushed, 13.798 activity graphics displayed

More statistics
PTRE, by GeGe, since October 2018
All images, except PTRE's logos, are Gameforge property

PTRE is a Gameforge tolerated tool - Privacy Policy
EasyPTRE is not installed!
EasyPTRE provides new features
and is fully compatible with AGR/OGL/OGI

Installation setup