Create a team. Save ADMIN key and give TEAM key to your mates.
Invit the PTRE bot to your Discord server by conecting yourself to Discord in your browser and follow the link to invit PTRE bot. (PTRE bot does NOT need any administrator rights).
Configure bot's access: Add bot to chan where you want it to detect spy reports. (You may also create a "paye-ton-re" channel and invit it only in this channel).
Into a PTRE channel, copy the WO key to match your Discord server with your team.. If you get a message saying "Association done." its all fine !
Copy a spy report API key into Discord. It should be imported into your PTRE Team.
Add a default universe with the command !ptre !default [country]-[universe_id].
Check the help: !ptre
If you dont do the match between your Discord server and your Team, all reports posted will be public (as PTRE bot will not know to what team associate it).
A Discord server can only be associated to one single Team (your team).
But, several Discord servers can be associated to same PTRE Team (your Discord server + your mate's one, for instance). You only need to copy the same WO key on each Discord servers
You may change the Team associated to a Discord server (by copying a new WO key)
This month: 15.383 new Spy Reports, including 9.282 from OGLight, 398 web-active Teams, 403 active Discord servers, 13.185.024 IG activities pushed, 15.971 activity graphics displayed